I grew up as an only child of "older"parents and lived with my grandparents. Some people assume I was spoiled, maybe I was a little. But more so I was disciplined... dependable... polite... responsible. I NEVER did anything rebellious, but I always wanted to. For years I carried my rebellion around, suppressed and hidden. Finally, at 27, with my PhD under my belt, married, and even more settled than ever, I've gone and bought a bad-ass motorcycle! This blog will, hopefully, document it all. Choosing the bike, learning to ride, and all of the adventures that will surely come when I swing my leg over my Big Girl Bike!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And so it began... out of tradgedy springs resiliance.

I've always wanted a motorcycle; I don't even know when it began. But, it was something I supressed, like alot of other things in my life. Motorcycles are dangerous! Everyone knows that... my parents knew some people who had died on them. Riding a motorcycle requires coordination beyond my ability... I can barely drive a car with a manual transmission. I was too responsible and too clumsy to ever ride one.

In college I had ridden on the back of a crotch-rocket a few times with a boyfriend that I had at the time. I always fantasized that someday I would have my own sport-bike and we'd fly down the road side-by-side. But, even at the time I recognized it for the untouchable dream that it was. I was safe within my naive delusions.

Then a day came in April 2011 when I learned that my neighbor was seperating from her husband and contemplating divorce. I invited her over for some girl time. I had a bottle of white wine that I had been saving from a trip to Williamsburg, VA for several years and I figured this was as good an occassion as any to drink it! We popped the cork and started drinking and talking... I don't know how we even got onto the topic but we both admitted that we had always wanted our own motorcycle. We were also both drunk enough to think that it was a fantastic idea! As we were chattering about it excitedly my husband joined us and said that he'd always wanted one too (he doesn't have to be drunk to fall for crazy ideas like this). So, the planning began.

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